The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Brown County P.
O. Box 577 Nashville, In 47448 Phone: 812-988-8821

Who we are:
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Brown County is a not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to
service of Brown County families for over twenty years. All gifts and donations are tax deductible.
Our values:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Brown County follows a tradition established in 1833 when the Society was first formed in
France. We serve families in need regardless of creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, criminal justice status, disability,
marital status veteran status, national origin, or age. Our members are all volunteers who donate their time and talent
in the true spirit of Christian charity. We appreciate all donations and ensure that all goods and materials are used,
shared, or distributed.
do we do?
We distribute food each month to approximately 195 families (which represents
an average of 600 individuals) in our "Client Choice Food Pantry." A typical month results in the distribution of more
than 7000 pounds of food!! The only requirements are that the recipient reside in Brown County and meet the income guidelines
established by the State of Indiana. We follow the guidelines and certification requirements established by The
Emergency Food Assistance Program.
During the year, we also distribute
toiletry items, clothing, household items and furniture free of charge to our families. Families with children participate
in our back-to-school programs which include a voucher for a pair of new shoes along with school supplies. Currently
our families include approximately 300 school-age children.
events include new Blanket Day, Thanksgiving Turkeys, Christmas Hams and the Christmas celebration which offers parents an
opportunity to pick out Christmas gifts for children and grandchildren.
Our Helping Hand program provides limited
utility bill assistance when funds are available.
Our distribution hours:
10:00 to 12:00 Saturday: 10:00 to 12:00
Our location:
We are located on 2901 Long
Lake Road, off Clay Lick Road, across from the CYO Camp approximately 5 miles southeast of Nashville. Take old State
Road 46 southeast from the County Court House in Nashville, to Clay Lick Road, turn left on Clay Lick and go 2.3 miles to
Long Lake Road. Turn right on Long Lake Road. The St. Vincent de Paul Warehouse is the second building on the
right. You may leave a message at 812-988-8821.
How can you help us?
- We are always in need of furniture, bedding, towels and linens, baby,
children, women and men's clothing, small working appliances, dishes, silverware and pots and pans.
- Toiletry items, personal care items, toilet paper and cleaning supplies
and diapers are also much needed.
- Non-perishable foods especially canned meat and fish, peanut butter, jelly, pastas, canned vegetables, fruits, and
cereal are continuously needed by our families.
- Stop by when the Warehouse is open and volunteer. We are always
in need of volunteers during distribution times to help with sorting clothing, restocking shelves, and other tasks.
- You can offer to pick up items in your community area from a neighborhood
church or help us spread the word on behalf of our community and families.
- Consider engaging your church and/or volunteer organization in a special
project on behalf of our families. We can help you brain-storm!
- During growing season, plant an extra row of vegetables and bring your
donation to our warehouse to share with our families. We'll pray for a good growing season!
- Each month our volunteers drive hundreds of miles to do pick-ups of
donations, to the food bank, and shopping for critical food items and bargains at area stores. Like to drive? We can
use your help.
- Because
cash is always needed especially to purchase food and help with emergencies, consider making a donation in honor of a friend
or loved one. Checks and donations may be mailed to St. Vincent de Paul of Brown County, P. O. Box 577, Nashville, Indiana
your donations to the Warehouse OR call for Pick-Up:
You may deliver
your donations of clothing, furniture, household goods, and small appliances to the warehouse during distribution hours OR
you may call for pick-up of large items. In the Nashville area, call Pat Clark at 812-369-8405. In the Cordry/Sweetwater
area, call: Frank & Brenda Green at 317-933-2172 or Lanny Rossman at 317-878-9414. If you have questions about
a donation, you may also call Brenda or Frank Green at 317-933-2172.
Donate your car, truck, motorcycle or boat!!
Donate your car, truck, motorcycle or boat to St. Vincent de Paul and help your local community. Go to
this location: http://www.svdpusa.com/DonateMyCar.aspx If you plan to make a donation, please let Brenda Green know at greenb2132@msn.com or by calling: 317-933-2172. All donations are tax deductible.
community partners:
We rely heavily on St. Agnes Catholic
Church and members for volunteers but we also receive support from area churches especially Church of the Lakes, Nashville
United Methodist Church, Nashville Christian Church, Parkview Church of the Nazarene, Becks Grove Christian Church and Christiansburg
United Methodist Church. Special seasonal donations have been made by St. Barnabas Catholic Church, Indianapolis,
St. Rose of Lima in Franklin, Indiana and St. David's Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom, Indiana.
also acknowledge on-going partnerships and collaboration with the Hoosier Hills Food Bank in Bloomington, Brown County Community
Foundation, Jay C Food Store, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club in Columbus, Indiana, Sisters of the Holy Cross in Notre Dame, Indiana,
South Central Community Against Poverty, CYO Camp Rancho Framasa, South Central Indiana REMC, Midwest Food Bank, Brown County
Lion's Club, CVS in Nashville, Walgreen's in Franklin, Indiana, Rotary Club of Brown County of Nashville, Indiana, Purdue
University Extension, Brown County, Brown County YMCA, Indianapolis Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Brown County IGA Partners
for Progress and the Howard Hughes Memorial Morel Mushroom Sale.


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